Artist’s Guidelines…

…will give you a sense of what we’re looking for… humorous greeting card ideas that appeal to a range of ages and interests. All submissions must come via email to Kim Sesler at:

cartoon woman

1. First, take a look at our offering and get a sense of what we’re looking for and the level of talent we expect from our artists.

They say a person should listen to what their body is telling them! I agree... but do the rest of us have to hear it too?

2. We are looking for fresh and fun-looking artwork in any media and style. Also, sophisticated, funky cartoony-type art (people and/or animals) with or without words.

3. Color work is best, but we will look at black and white. Overall, we’re looking for exciting, innovative, clever, humorous, fun, and most important, original designs and ideas.

Woman at party

4. All submissions are speculative, so put your greeting cards ideas in rough sketch form. Please send submissions via email to: We do not accept snail mail submissions.

Women in store

5. Our creative department often has concepts that call for a particular style. So even if you don’t have specific greeting card ideas of your own, send us some samples of your work. Perhaps your style and our ideas will work well together.

Huge muffin

6. The size of our cards are 5″ x 7″. All artwork designed for us must match these requirements either exactly or proportionately.

The cards are vertical. Also cards can be with or without a border.

Man getting mail

7. Please send submissions via email to:

Game Show Host

8. And last but not least, payment. If we think your work is a good fit for Oatmeal Studios, we negotiate payment with each artist depending on the complexity of the work. We look forward to reviewing your work!

Wait for it!

9. Please be patient. We get new submissions everyday and do our best to respond in a timely manner. Our process is not instantaneous, it involves many people in different locations but has served us well for over 40 years.